Go Farther For Less With AAA

AAA Makes It Easier To Stay On The Road!

Don't cancel your trip because of gas prices. We offer a range of helpful member benefits, such as trip planning tools, fuel finders and calculators to help navigate your way around the high cost of fuel.


Fuel Price Finder

Find the lowest gas prices near you and at more than 100,000 stations across the U.S. Plus, estimate the fuel cost for a road trip and more.


Fuel Gauge Report

View average national, state and local fuel pricing with AAA's daily fuel gauge report. Examine trends and get the latest information.


Fuel Cost Calculator

Plan your fuel usage from point A to point B in just a few easy clicks with our convenient fuel cost calculator.


Alternative Fuel Gov. Portal

The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) provides information to help individuals find ways to reduce petroleum consumption.


TripTik® Planner

Get point-to-point directions, avoid construction, find AAA approved hotels and more. TripTik planner for iPhone, Android, PC and more.


Contact Your State Official

Have something to say about the rising cost of fuel? Contact your state official to express your views.